Born in Auckland, New Zealand, Theolonius Feargus Kelly, known as Theo, embarked on his music journey early. His latest track, “We Was Punx! (Live),” encapsulates...
Kevin Bape’s “On the Board,” the opening track from his fourth album; “Growing Pains” immediately sets the tone with a Louisiana vibe. The artist channels...
In a thrilling announcement for fans of Mexican rock music, the enigmatic and electrifying Adhara has joined forces with the dynamic musical force known as...
In the heartland of America, amidst the vibrant music scene of Kansas City, Missouri, singer-songwriter Allen Brooks has crafted a musical gem that transcends borders...
Ten years ago while browsing Craigslist looking for a recording studio Thousand Times discovered Wade Chestnut. Wade is an American audio engineer, producer, composer, writer,...
Kid Soul, born and raised in Gießen, is an aspiring rapper with an impressive journey in the music world. His passion for music was ignited...
In the ever-evolving landscape of hip-hop, artists continually strive to push boundaries and challenge the limits of their craft. With “Faster (Even Faster),” emerging artist...
Coming from Port-au-Prince, Haiti, JHK No AKA is making waves in the music industry with his latest track, “Come to My Bedroom.” His musical journey...
Hailing from the heartland of Cedar Falls, Iowa, Michael M Jeni is poised to make waves in the music world with his upcoming single, “Love...
In an age dominated by consumerism and the relentless pursuit of material wealth, “Sweet Potatoes” by The Unusuals featuring Wordsworth serves as a poignant reminder...