All posts tagged "music promotion"

  • Get to know Julian Keyz.

    We got in touch with artist Julian Keyz for a little Q&A. We wanted to introduce you all to Julian Keyz before the release of...

  • Trent Vine ‘ Who You Wanna Be’

    Australian artist Trent Vine Drops his first release with Global League Records. We must tell you first; get familiar with Trent Vine because you are...

  • Interview With PTE IZZY

    In an interview with Lyrics & Threads, PTE IZZY discusses his creative process and unpacks how indie artists can thrive with solid brand perception. Izzy,...

  • DJ Geez215 ‘Right Now’

    Philly DJ Geez is releasing that heat right now. No pun intended. If you don’t know who DJ Geez is you must have been under...

  • Änne Beverly ‘##B4 ÄNNË’

    Zay and the team over at Meversusworld music are really creating a momentous movement. Their artist Änne Beverly recently dropped his EP ‘##B4 ÄNNË’. The...

  • TaniA Kyllikki ‘RARE’

    London singer and songwriter TaniA Kyllikki took a break from her album which is set to release at the end of November to drop off...

  • Sandra Maiorana ‘Reuniting Our Love’

    Sandra Maiorana is a singer and songwriter born in Melbourne Australia. Studio music ad dance from the age of seven, Sandra is currently working on...

  • Mikebradio ‘Double xoxo’

    Pittsburgh is back in the building again! Mikebradio just dropped off his latest release. The track is ‘Double xoxo’. Mikebradio is infamous for dropping what...

  • Richard Jellinek ‘For Your Love’

    Richard Jellinek is a composer, lyricist, producer and above all guitarist from Poland. The music he creates is a powerful ROCK referring to the best...

  • Hevi Levi ‘Numb’

    Numb by Linkin Park was one of my favorite tracks then Jay Z and LP had the collaboration album ‘Collision Course’. Man; what a time...