Yo-Blake is preparing the world for a musical experience like no other with the release of his new single, “Un Mal Sueño,” set to drop...
Hailing from the vibrant musical landscape of Detroit, Michigan, Shai Coke is making waves with his latest track, “Jokic.” Featuring TikTok sensation Cuss Creep, who...
Hip-hop artist Tha Crown steps out of his comfort zone with his latest single, “Night Time,” blending his rap roots with a love for synthwave...
Midwest City, OK native Benny P has released his latest single, “CAUGHT UP,” produced by Baby Ram. This hip hop track dives deep into the...
Sophia Gonzon has once again struck gold with her latest single, “Miss Me,” a mesmerizing blend of rock and pop that is rapidly becoming a...
Emerging from the vibrant musical landscape of Los Angeles, Matt Walerstein, known by his stage name Aftercoast, brings a fresh and evocative sound to the...
Indie rock artists TOCK + TONE have taken the music world by storm with their new hit, “National Sway.” This dark and satirical track masterfully...
Dallas, TX – Aaric Mychal, a music producer renowned for his unique blend of gritty drums, heavy 808s, dark synths, and soulful samples, has just...
When it comes to crafting tracks that resonate deeply, few can match the prowess of Mylo Stone and Big O. Hailing from Bristol, Mylo Stone...
Meet Maddera Music, an independent UK music producer specializing in mixing, mastering, recording, and beatmaking. Renowned for crafting atmospheric hip-hop beats, Maddera is versatile and...