Meet Johnny The Kid, aka Jonas Lehner, a musical sensation hailing from the scenic landscapes of Austria. With a lifelong passion for music, Johnny The...
Hailing from the heart of Kentucky and finding his musical haven in Minnesota, Wildcat Hawkins is not your ordinary artist. A blue-collar hippie with a...
3NAM3S of T.H.E Honoroll drops a musical bomb with their latest track, “King Midas.” This ain’t your run-of-the-mill tune; it’s a sonic rollercoaster that takes...
Step into the dynamic universe of Rod212, where each beat and lyric within his debut album, “You Wanted This,” serves as an electrifying tribute to...
Hailing from the U.K., the talented producer and artist Good Spells is making waves with the release of his latest single, “Time Again.” This track...
Getting your music heard on Spotify can feel like a daunting task. With millions of artists vying for the attention of listeners, it’s no wonder...
Javar, the gifted artist under Estabrook Road Records, is unveiling his latest musical gem, “Strange Fruit,” on January 19. This neo-soul hip-hop track not only...
Unveiling the Unique Journey of a Saint Joseph, Missouri Rapper In the heartland of Missouri, where the landscapes tell tales of resilience and unity, a...
In the sweltering beats of Florida, Sir Budd drops heat with “Oct Boy.” Hailing from the Sunshine State, Sir Budd brings that street vibe, turning...
Introduction:In the expansive realm of music, certain artists possess the innate ability to transcend geographical boundaries, seamlessly blending their roots with the essence of their...