N2BLU “Kiss Me Like The Devil”

N2BLU is keeping fans fed and growing an arsenal of single releases. Today we bring you their latest track “Kiss Me Like The Devil”

“Kiss Me Like The Devil” romantic tale we’ve all heard or experienced before: Is it too good to be true? Are they hiding something from me? Are my own insecurities and paranoia getting the best of me?’Kiss Me Like the Devil’ takes inspiration from singer Jonathan’s past romantic experiences. Trust has never been easy for Jonathan as a result of being burned in the past, but sometimes that lack of trust can be your undoing.

ouTube Lyric Video: https://youtu.be/ihbbJ8HSZ6I
Facebook Video: https://www.facebook.com/N2BLU/videos/242751653531832/
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/kiss-me-like-the-devil-single/1504410355
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/62yzmcRyBJG59TZsacO6bA?si=bArmcCQWQM6CxeU7vvGrJw