In the tumultuous world of post-hardcore, a new force has emerged, and its name is PHELIXX LAKE. Hailing from the sunshine state of Florida but...
In the ever-evolving landscape of music, where genres blur and boundaries dissipate, UK-based Floridian solo project BADiSUN, led by the versatile singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and...
From the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, emerges a musical force that’s been quietly honing their craft for a decade – NIXED. Stepping into the spotlight...
Get ready to turn up the volume as the dynamic duo, P-Rawb hailing from Philly and Big O, reppin’ Birmingham, AL but holding it down...
Indulge in the soulful resonance of Youlanda Burnett’s latest offering, “Smooth & Sexy,” a neo-soul ballad that emanates from the heart of Tennessee. With a...
In a world often consumed by the pursuit of material possessions and external validation, Mahamaya Experience emerges from the heart of South and South East...
Meet Levi Grxce, the Cali Hip-Hop Wizard! Straight outta California, Levi Grxce is cookin’ up some serious vibes with his latest jam, ‘SPINNIN.’ Picture this:...
PartyPlugMikey, also known as PlugNotARapper, sets the stage ablaze with his latest musical masterpiece, ‘BADDIES ISLAND.’ Hailing from the musical hotspots of Savannah, GA, and...
“Before I Overdose” by Griffen Harper blends the pulsating energy of house with the emotive essence of emo, creating a dynamic sonic fusion. The track...
Introduction In the fast-paced world of music production, having the right tools can make all the difference in transforming your creative vision into reality. The...