Anjelica Brings ‘Good Ones’

“Why do the good ones have to die?”

This seems to be the main question behind Anjelica’s latest killer tune, entitled simply “Good Ones”. And it’s such a universal question that you can’t help but feel it in your bones, as soon as you hear her sing it.

Of course, it does help that this woman has the voice of an angel, so that we’re sure anything she sings sounds amazing. Anjelica’s voice has this certain mesmerizing quality to it, like a sequence in a dream. Like the ocean. It’s a phenomenally powerful voice that reaches deep into the depths of your soul and just twists your heart out. In a good way. 

It’s a very emotionally-charged sort of voice, one that resonates with listeners of all music genres.

“Good Ones” is a superb grief tune. In it, the singer vows that she will never let go, and laments that some people die far too early and far too young. A bit of backstory, the song quite obviously relates to her mother’s death from a brain aneurysm.

Anjelica’s close relationship with her mother obviously meant she took her untimely passing very hard, particularly as it was quickly followed by the death of her grandfather, another important figure in the young artist’s life.

Fragments of this can be heard throughout the song, in lyrics like:

“Left without you, I grew up”

Doesn’t that make your heart cry? ‘Cause it sure does mine. It invokes a hoard of strong feelings, regardless what angle you’re looking at it from, whether thinking of your own experiences with loss, or simply contemplating the unfair fate of this girl.

Still, “Good Ones” is a prime example of turning sorrow into power, of channeling your harshest, most harrowing experiences in order to create something true and beautiful.

Quite simply, Anjelica creates a masterpiece with her “Good Ones”, where everything from the slow beat to her haunting voice is on point.