Rapper and entertainer SKG, born Helecia Choyce, has ignited a cultural phenomenon with her latest spoken word music video, “Discuss of a Black Man.” Featuring...
This year’s BET Hip Hop Award show, which also honors the 50th anniversary of hip-hop, was pre-recorded in Atlanta on Oct. 3. Hosted by the...
Back in August, Lil Durk took to Twitter to reveal his plans to connect with Sexyy Red on some new music. The morning of September...
Former Death Row Records Artist SKG shares exclusive photos. Celebrating the Legend Tupac Shakur, by attending his “Wake Me When Im Free” Exhibit. It’s no...
Los Angeles rapper and film producer Helecia Choyce aka SKG teams up with Boosie BadAzz and Heataboom for “BadAzz Bitch.” Did we mention it was...