In a thunderous return to the forefront of the metal scene, Friday Dies, the legendary underground band, has unleashed their latest single, “Hammer Down,” signaling...
Hidden within the enigmatic depths of downtown Denver, Colorado, resides a musical collective known as Kamru. Guided by the enigmatic duo of Jason Kleim on...
Bangladeshi-born music producer, songwriter, and metal vocalist UR Udoy is a fearless artist defying genre boundaries. His early start in music at age 15 laid...
Metalcore group Design The Void return with a brand-new, hard-hitting single in “Hazmat”You can stream the new track below! If you’re a fan of acts...
Its been a minute since we had a some metal on the site for you guys. So we spun the globe and found a band...
It has been released on October 15, 2021 by Andromeda Relix Otherside, the second album by Fallen Angels, available on CD and STREAMING. The historic...