Meet Ali, the creative force behind “Secret Society,” an electronic music project based in Montreal, Canada. Ali, originally from the Middle East, recently unveiled his...
Rapper and entertainer SKG, born Helecia Choyce, has ignited a cultural phenomenon with her latest spoken word music video, “Discuss of a Black Man.” Featuring...
In their latest release, “All I Need,” Koodo-i takes the lead with his introspective verses, weaving tales of perseverance and ambition. Representing the streets of...
Hailing from Birmingham, Alabama, and now making waves in Georgia, Prentice Calligan is the epitome of a versatile R&B artist. With a profound appreciation for...
Plastic Tofu, a studio punk rock duo hailing from the bustling cities of Chicago and Los Angeles, are making waves with their latest single, “Have...
Hidden within the enigmatic depths of downtown Denver, Colorado, resides a musical collective known as Kamru. Guided by the enigmatic duo of Jason Kleim on...
Hey, music lovers and Windy City wanderers! 🎶💨 Have you spotted the enigmatic posters mysteriously adorning the streets of Chicago lately? These intriguing visual teasers...
Jason Ivy unleashes “Crush,” a masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of Alt-RnB into the realms of Neo Soul and Psychedelic Electronic Rock. Following the success...
Yo, peep this, we got Colt Williams straight reppin’ Upper Darby, PA, comin’ through with that next-level wisdom in his latest banger, “Collection Plate.” This...
Carnival Xhibition has recently unveiled their latest anthem, “More Than Ever,” on March 15, 2024. Rooted in a fusion of soul, rhythm, and modern Motown vibes, Carnival...