In a powerful collaboration with CB Entertainment, rising artist Zakk Cash has unveiled “Out of Sight,” a deeply moving song created to inspire hope, raise...
In anticipation of Seasons EP, we caught up with Grigoré to discuss the inspiration behind the tracks, his creative process, and what he hopes listeners will take away...
From the vibrant music scene of Glasgow, Scotland, rising pop artist Luchi unveils his latest single, The Other Guy, a heart-wrenching anthem that captures the...
Eclectic Brooklyn-based band Soft Yes has unleashed “Odd Numbers,” an artful two-minute journey that captures the pulse of New York City’s vibrant music scene. Rooted...
Pat LePoidevin’s newest release, “Delilah,” is an emotional masterwork that embodies the very essence of his music—nostalgia, love, and longing. As the standout track from...
Hailing from the United Kingdom, Good Spells is making waves with their latest release, ‘All In.’ This slow and pulsating track encapsulates a mesmerizing vibe,...
London-based artist Xavi3000 is making waves with his latest single, “Lies,” a gritty afrobeat/rap fusion that delves into the hustle and grind of life in...
Nick Stone & The Gems are quickly becoming one of the most exciting bands in Canada’s indie rock scene. What started as a creative outlet...
Aleca King, a talented artist rooted in both Los Angeles, California, and Kingston, Jamaica, brings her rich cultural influences to life in her latest reggae...
Yo-Blake pulls no punches in his new banger “Mentiras,” airing out the raw emotions of being played and betrayed. The track hits with a smooth...