2-2Killz, hailing from Beaumont, Texas, and now residing in Houston, is a unique and special talent in the hip-hop scene. What sets him apart is...
Michigan rap has taken the music industry by storm since the takeoff of Detroit rapper, Tee Grizzley. Since then, we’ve witnessed the forthcoming of the...
The state of Virginia’s music scene has been home to many legends such as Pharrell, ChrisBrown, Missy Elliott, Timbaland, and many more. Although the Old...
In the music industry, artists often embark on journeys of self-discovery, leading to the creation of powerful and soul-stirring works. Levi Grxce, a talented singer-songwriter,...
Juel Anthony, hailing from the heart of Cincinnati, Ohio, is making waves with his debut album “5:44.” This impressive first full-length project introduces us to...
Back in August, Lil Durk took to Twitter to reveal his plans to connect with Sexyy Red on some new music. The morning of September...
Allen Kirko releases “Exclusive Vampire” album via SoundCloud. With an astonishing 22 tracks. Giving fans more than enough to fill their craving appetite. Give the...
Trey Jizzle brings the attention to the music scene of Gainesville, Florida with his latest release; Chiccen Walk! Florida is known for its hustle culture...
Hailing from the vibrant musical city of Los Angeles, the talented Abhi Ananda, originally from Indonesia, has unveiled his latest musical masterpiece: “Melophile.” This album,...
Now a days every rapper is telling the youth about how great drugs are well that’s cap kids. Drugs are a very slippery slope that...