In their latest release, “All I Need,” Koodo-i takes the lead with his introspective verses, weaving tales of perseverance and ambition. Representing the streets of...
Jason Ivy unleashes “Crush,” a masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of Alt-RnB into the realms of Neo Soul and Psychedelic Electronic Rock. Following the success...
Newnan, Georgia, has long been a hotbed for musical talent, and RBE Slick P is the latest artist to emerge from its vibrant scene. With...
Kal Mystikal, originally known as Speng Eyeziz, is a Jamaican singer, songwriter, and producer making waves from Germany. Discovering his passion for music in Spanish...
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a brand-new music video, “HEROES RISE”, the theme song that sets the stage for the captivating world...
Rising West Coast R&B artist Beauxx just released a new EP titled “S.A.D.” (Single Awareness Day) on Valentine’s Day. This 4 track project, produced by...
Straight outta Orlando, Florida, SwizZy B, the trailblazing force behind LoUd Life Crew, just unleashed his latest jam, “NEVER CHANGE,” flexing under the mighty wings...
In underground music, two artists emerge with a mission to transcend boundaries and illuminate the human experience through their art. Tha Crown and Dukalion, hailing...
Looking to turn your passion for music into a profitable venture? With YouTube, you can make money doing what you love. Whether you’re a talented...
Chicago-raised artist Tay Alexander, now making waves in Las Vegas, Nevada, unveils a powerful musical journey with his latest single, “Love You The Same.” Drawing...