In the sprawling, sun-soaked landscape of Los Angeles, a new musical talent is making waves. Aftercoast, the brainchild of Matt Walerstein, is quickly becoming a...
Yo-Blake is preparing the world for a musical experience like no other with the release of his new single, “Un Mal Sueño,” set to drop...
Amarrai Cabell, a rising talent from Saint Louis, Missouri, has recently dropped his latest single, “Écoute, je ne peux plus faire ça.” Known for his...
Arizona’s own Eerie Weather has released a powerful new single, “Fathom,” available now on Spotify. This track, written in collaboration with Matti Hoffman of Escape...
Nashville-born and Southern Illinois-raised artist Lil Jawshh has been making waves since his debut in 2020, captivating audiences with his raw talent and heartfelt lyrics....
Oyster Pep emerges as a renegade force in the world of G-Funk. His journey is one of redemption, fueled by a burning desire to reclaim...
Hey, music lovers and Windy City wanderers! 🎶💨 Have you spotted the enigmatic posters mysteriously adorning the streets of Chicago lately? These intriguing visual teasers...
Newnan, Georgia, has long been a hotbed for musical talent, and RBE Slick P is the latest artist to emerge from its vibrant scene. With...
In an era where musical boundaries blur and sonic experimentation knows no limits, Solar Soundz emerges as a beacon of innovation. Hailing from the UK...
In the heart of Atlanta’s historic Vine City neighborhood, two iconic establishments, Mr. Everything Cafe and Atlanta Sneaker Club, recently joined forces with Rise Up...