Hailing from Indianapolis, IN, the dynamic duo of Jae Midas and Love Noire presents “Again,” a standout track from their collaborative EP titled “Relatable.” This...
Connecticut artist Waevhe has just released his newest single “Cha-Ching,” a track that undeniably reflects a significant influence from Tyga. The song showcases Waevhe’s musical...
The timeless 1967 hit ‘Spooky’ by Classics IV,gets a revive from Thelen Creative with the captivating vocals of Sara Meblin. This release, skillfully produced by...
Guns For Frogs new album “Fool For A Day, King For A Lifetime” emerges as a genre-defying symphony, drawing inspiration from an eclectic range of...
Memphis,TN has been getting the music light shined back on it and countless artist are getting the shine they are owed. One of those artist...
Ok, we are taking you guys international today with Finnish artist Sominorf. His latest release “Doomed” just came out. Only doing music for a mere...
Summer is coming to a end. That means countless summer romances are ending as well. What happens when you fall a little too deep for...
Montreal’s music scene has been graced with a rising star whose journey began at a remarkably young age. Charlize Anne, a singer/songwriter whose passion for...
Title: Bridging Worlds and Hearts: A Review of “International Connection” by N-Fusion In a musical landscape often dominated by fleeting trends and disposable hits, N-Fusion...
In the world of music, emotions often find their expression through captivating melodies and thought-provoking lyrics. “Intoxicated Thoughts” by Trap Philly takes listeners on an...