In a striking debut, rising country artist Paige Bell has made a memorable entrance into the music scene with her first single, “Nashville Bar.” This...
Multi-talented artist Misty Dawn continues to make a significant impact with the release of her latest single, “Cowgirl Cliche,” now available on all streaming platforms....
Jordan Moore’s New Love Ballad “We Still Got Today” Explores Uncharted Emotional Depths Country music sensation Jordan Moore takes a compelling detour from his signature...
Nashville, Tennessee never has a shortage of talented musicians. One of those rising talents is Meg Williams. She recently released her album “Live and Learn”....
The romantic country duet Poppyiris releases an in studio look to the making of their latest release “In Your arms”. Truly giving us an authentic...
Jay Elle is a New York City based singer, songwriter and guitar player.Jay Elle’s heart and emotions are his driving forces. His curiosityand appetite for...