Q&A with Malachi Gagnon

  1. What inspired you to start playing and making music?

I was bored out of my mind during the pandemic and decided to pick up the guitar and start learning. I figured it was the perfect time to start. I sang in front of my family for the first time and they started encouraging me to start singing covers online and pursuing music! 4 years later here we are.

  1. Describe your creative process when you write new music.

I usually just grab my guitar and sit in my room. Sometimes I have a song idea already and expand on that for a few days. Sometimes I write a song in minutes. It really depends on what I’m writing about. It’s hard to write about your own situations. I feel super vulnerable. But knowing that people listen and understand the feelings show me that I’m not alone!

  1. Who’s your ideal musician to collaborate with and why?

Noah Kahan or Post Malone. Me and Noah have similar styles and I feel like we’d blend well. With Post, it’s just a dream of mine to work with him. I think it’d be a super special opportunity.

  1. Are there any musicians who inspire you?

Noah Kahan, Shawn Mendes, Bon Iver, Morgan Wallen, Post Malone, and The Lumineers inspire me a ton.

  1. What accomplishments do you see yourself achieving in the next five to 10 years?

I’m just going to keep releasing music that I adore making and see what God does with it! Lord willing, I continue to do this for the rest of my life! That’s my dream.

  1. Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?

I collect comic books and vinyls! I love going to thrift stores and seeing what I can find. I also golf a lot!

  1. What strengths do you have that you believe make you a great musician?

I’m pretty in touch with my feelings, which makes it easier to write and express them. I also put a lot of time into my craft and have a genuine love for music.

  1. Do you have any weaknesses that you’re actively working to improve on?

I lack motivation in areas where I need them. That’s something I’ve been working on. That and living in the moment! Taking it all in.

  1. Which instrument is your favorite to play and why?

My guitar is my favorite instrument. It’s what I write on and how I express my emotions, really.

  1. What is it about music that makes you feel passionate?

Just the way it touches people. I put out a song on my Instagram a little while back about my friend who took his own life 2 years ago. I was able to see the response to it and tons of people said it brought them closure and helped them through a tough time just by hearing someone speak the words I did into their life. Music is a beautiful thing and can reach so many people!

  1. Describe your favorite and least favorite part about being a musician.

I love being able to express myself and help other people express themselves through the words I write. It’s important to know you’re not the only person going through something and music helps that. I don’t really have a “least favorite” part. I don’t like making promotional videos and coming up with new content for social media and trying to figure out the algorithm. But that’s all necessary now in order to get your music out there.

  1. Have you ever participated in any music competitions? Did you win any prizes?

I have yet to participate in any of those, but I’d love to someday.

  1. What song of yours are you most excited about?

My next song “Stay” will be released within the next few months, and it’s my favorite track I’ve made so far! I can’t wait for people to hear it.

  1. How has your music changed since you first started?

I started out making Pop Country music. It’s what I knew best, and I had a lot of fun doing it. As I started writing more and growing up I felt more drawn to an Alternative Folk style that feels like the realest me I can be. So I have adopted that genre and am exploring it with my next few tracks. It really just fits where I’m at as a artist

  1. Where can fans find you online?

I’m on Instagram and Tik Tok: @malachigagnonmusic

And on all streaming platforms it’s just my name, Malachi Gagnon!