Exclusive Interview: Msb Mario ‘El Niño de la Pili’ the Spanish urban poet who puts poetry on the world stage

We have the pleasure to have in Lyrics&threads.com an exclusive interview with the Spanish poet with a huge hat, long hair, glasses and extravagant looks; surely most of the public already know that we are talking about Msb Mario ‘El Niño de la Pili’, the guy who in little more than a year has managed to establish himself as one of the most innovative and revolutionary artists on the scene. His different way of mixing his poems with all kinds of musical genres has aroused the interest of the vast majority of the public, and of course, of our platform as well. Although it has been difficult to contact and maintain a conversation with Mario despite the state of his arrival to the interview, from our platform we want to say that we have done our best for our audience to enjoy and get to know more about this artist who is revolutionary and extremely eccentric at the same time.

Good afternoon Mario, it’s a pleasure to welcome you on our platform; how would you label yourself as an artist, because we don’t really understand what you do?
I’m a whore. Absolutely a high-class, expensive-sassy prostitute and I’m artistically better than all your previous interviewees. Simple, “moncherie”. And if you don’t know what I do, why are you interviewing me? We could talk horizontally and save half an hour.

After your last concert on PNC Radio and the police intervention and the bad reviews published, what do you think? Did they influence you? Can you explain us what happened? 

Nothing happened, I did the best show ever, that’s all, Papito gave me a great coke-cola, and there were too many cables, machines and cameras in the way and they were bothering me. And everything else can be explained by rivotril. With the police, they’re my friends, they like the blanko as much as I do, a little bit of checking me and that’s it. Everything ended up as usual.

Forgive us for insisting, how did the previous event end?
With a Colombian girl moaning in my bed. Easy and mellow.

During your TV interview you were seen in a depressive tone saying that you were leaving your art and you were not going to publish anything more, do you think to leave it? 
I’ve quit. I’m giving all my strength to my nose, I suck you, look: you tried to be a rapper and it backfired, then you chose to be a frustrated mediocre journalist and it backfired too. I leave people like you.

You recently posted a storie on Instagram in which a reguetton song was playing and you posted pictures of the recording, it’s a new genre we haven’t heard, are you going to publish it or is it a collaboration? 

No, I just made it to be able to fuck at my pace, the tune has a catchy rhythm for fucking, perfect for my hips. I’m not gonna publish it, I’m gonna fuck with it mode non-stop.

How are you managing the growth of your audience during these last months? What has changed for you? 

A bullshit question this one I’m tired of answering. I don’t know, I’m still the same stoned now talking to you, tired, I find it hard to listen to you, you make me tired, you seem tiresome and I certainly don’t get on well with people like you.

Are the rumors of your possible internment in a rehabilitation center true? 

Yes, of course I’m working hard with my private doctor, always in the Rivozen bar accompanied by percs.

Do you feel pressure after so many live shows accumulated in such a short time? What can we expect from the Pili’s boy now? 

Now you can sit quietly and wait while you think I’m going to do something but I’m not going to do anything at all.

You were the first writer to perform at the Almo2bar, a mythical venue where Camarón and other Spanish music idols have played. How did you feel? 

As if I was in bed on top of a Colombian woman, I don’t remember much about the show in general. I just remember a group of many people controlled by jesus christ in a hat. Easy game. I had possession of the ball for 20 minutes centred on my dick.

We would like to talk about your involvement in fashion, explain us what inspires you in your looks, are they your choice or do you let yourself be recommended? 

I’m too lazy to answer you. Because if it were up to me I would go naked right now and my dick would cover your mouth so you wouldn’t ask me any more questions. Can I go now please?

After the photos published on social networks where you were seen in the booth of an important nightclub in Barcelona taking drugs, have you thought about changing the situation? 

Yes, I’ve thought that next time I’m going to include more women around me to whom I’m going to hand out cocaine with the small fingernail of my right hand, which is the magic one. And now I’m off, but just know that you are a very good interviewer when you are silent.


Photography: Adria @adria_ixel
Agency: Trend Models Management @trendmodelsmgmt
Style: Mermeladadeyo @mermeladadeyo